Lakeside Medical Care
Lakeside Medical Care also provides telemedicine appointments for patients without the means or ability to travel. Telemedicine allows doctors to diagnose and consult with patients through telecommunication means, such as phone, email, or webcam. Telemedicine allows patients to get the medical expertise they need without the burden of long distance travel.
Lakeside Medical Care serves patients from all areas of New York. If patients reside outside of Western New York or cannot travel to an appointment, we can schedule telehealth appointments for you!
Being HIPPA compliant means that a patient’s privacy and information will not be shared through the internet.
In order to schedule a telemedicine appointment, a patient should contact the office. We will schedule an appointment and email the patient with information and forms to fill out.
The appointment is usually 1-2 weeks from time of contact in order to give patients time to retrieve medical records and send them. The patient will be given a private link to access the telemedicine portal at this time.
When patients fax/email/send Lakeside Medical Care medical records, we will create a medical chart for the patient. The doctor will review all the medical records before the appointment.
Once the appointment is finished and the doctor can certify the patient for medical marijuana, the patient will be emailed the certification within 24 hours.
Lakeside Medical Care takes payments via telemedicine portal and will send receipts to patient email.